I was recently a guest on “The Exit Coach Radio Show”. The Show Host, Bill Black, interviews top Business Advisors & Authors who share their Tips, Ideas and Precautions for business owners. I talked about planning strategies that are important for Business Owners like you to Grow & Protect the value of your business. You can listen now from your computer or smartphone here. You can also find the interview on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, iTunes and Stitcher. Please feel free to tell your friends to listen in too!
Dale Robinette is a Business Growth Strategist and Scaling Up Expert. He helps executive teams maximize revenue with a practical business operating system called RevX Formula. This formula is designed to reduce the time it takes to manage a business while also achieving 2X revenue, 3X profitability and 10X valuation.
Our RevX Formula is achieved through the following services:
Growth Assessment
Business Assessment
Financial Assessment
Execution Tools
Executive Team Professional Development
Strategic Planning